
Text field


用户可以通过文本框在界面中输入文本。 通常,我们会在表单域和对话框中使用它们。


TextField 包装器组件是一个完整的表单控件,它包括了标签、输入和帮助文本。 It comes with three variants: outlined (default), filled, and standard.

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友情提示: Material 设计指南不再记录 TextField 的 standard 布局,(原因见此),但是 Material-UI 会继续支持此布局。

Form props 表单的属性

该组件支持标准的表单属性,例如 requireddisabledtype 以及helperText 等,用于提供字段输入的上下文,例如输入的使用方式。

Some important text

Some important text

Some important text


The error prop toggles the error state. The helperText prop can then be used to provide feedback to the user about the error.

Incorrect entry.

Incorrect entry.

Incorrect entry.


The multiline prop transforms the text field into a TextareaAutosize element. Unless the rows prop is set, the height of the text field dynamically matches its content (using TextareaAutosize). You can use the minRows and maxRows props to bound it.

Select 选择属性

The select prop makes the text field use the Select component internally.

Please select your currency

Please select your currency

Please select your currency

Please select your currency

Please select your currency

Please select your currency

Icons 图标



一个主流的方法是使用 InputAdornment 组件。 This can be used to add a prefix, a suffix, or an action to an input. 例如,可以用一个图标按钮来隐藏或者显示输入框里的密码。 例如,可以用一个图标按钮来隐藏或者显示输入框里的密码。














想要使用外观看起来比较小的输入框吗? 试着使用 size 属性吧。

filled 变体的输入高度可以通过在外部渲染标签来降低。

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The margin prop can be used to alter the vertical spacing of the text field. Using none (default) doesn't apply margins to the FormControl whereas dense and normal do.

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我们提供了fullWidth 属性,使用它的时候,输入框会占据整个容器的宽度。

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Uncontrolled vs. Controlled


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Components 组件

TextField is composed of smaller components ( FormControl, Input, FilledInput, InputLabel, OutlinedInput, and FormHelperText ) that you can leverage directly to significantly customize your form inputs.

您可能注意到了, 和原生的 HTML input 组件相比,TextField 组件缺失了一些属性。 这是故意为之的。 The component takes care of the most used properties. Then, it's up to the user to use the underlying component shown in the following demo. Still, you can use inputProps (and InputProps, InputLabelProps properties) if you want to avoid some boilerplate.

Some important helper text



Inputs 输入框

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Color 颜色

当使用 color 属性时,聚焦文本框时的高亮颜色会被改变。

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你可以参考以下一些例子来自定义组件。 You can learn more about this in the overrides documentation page.

Customization does not stop at CSS. You can use composition to build custom components and give your app a unique feel. Below is an example using the InputBase component, inspired by Google Maps.

🎨 If you are looking for inspiration, you can check MUI Treasury's customization examples.


For advanced customization use cases, a useFormControl() hook is exposed. This hook returns the context value of the parent FormControl component.


import { useFormControl } from '@mui/material/FormControl';


value (object):

  • value.adornedStart (bool): Indicate whether the child Input or Select component has a start adornment.
  • value.setAdornedStart (func): Setter function for adornedStart state value.
  • value.color (string): The theme color is being used, inherited from FormControl color prop .
  • value.disabled (bool): Indicate whether the component is being displayed in a disabled state, inherited from FormControl disabled prop.
  • value.error (bool): Indicate whether the component is being displayed in an error state, inherited from FormControl error prop
  • value.filled (bool): Indicate whether input is filled
  • value.focused (bool): Indicate whether the component and its children are being displayed in a focused state
  • value.fullWidth (bool): Indicate whether the component is taking up the full width of its container, inherited from FormControl fullWidth prop
  • value.hiddenLabel (bool): Indicate whether the label is being hidden, inherited from FormControl hiddenLabel prop
  • value.required (bool): Indicate whether the label is indicating that the input is required input, inherited from the FormControl required prop
  • value.size (string): The size of the component, inherited from the FormControl size prop
  • value.variant (string): The variant is being used by the FormControl component and its children, inherited from FormControl variant prop
  • value.onBlur (func): Should be called when the input is blurred
  • value.onFocus (func): Should be called when the input is focused
  • value.onEmpty (func): Should be called when the input is emptied
  • value.onFilled (func): Should be called when the input is filled


Helper text

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输入框标签的 "shrink" 状态并不总是正确的。 输入标签应在输入框显示内容的时候立即收缩。 在某些情况下,我们无法确定输入框的 "shrink" 状态 (如数字输入、日期时间输入、条带输入)。 这样一来,有可能出现重叠的现象。

shrink 缩放

若要解决此问题,您可以在输入框的标签上强制赋予 "shrink" 状态。

<TextField InputLabelProps={{ shrink: true }} />

<InputLabel shrink>计数</InputLabel>


The floating label is absolutely positioned. It won't impact the layout of the page. Make sure that the input is larger than the label to display correctly.


type="number" 的输入存在潜在的可用性问题。

  • Allowing certain non-numeric characters ('e', '+', '-', '.') and silently discarding others
  • 滚动增加/减少数字的功能可能会导致意外和难以察觉的变化。

有关该话题的更多信息 - 请参阅 GOV.UK 设计系统团队的 这篇文章,来了解更详细的解释。

对于数字验证,一个可行的替代方法是使用默认的 type="text" 和 pattern 属性,例如:

<TextField inputProps={{ inputMode: 'numeric', pattern: '[0-9]*' }} />

以后我们可能会提供 数字(number)输入组件


助手文本属性会影响文本框的高度。 如果两个文本框并排放置,一个有辅助文本,另一个没有,那么它们的高度就会不同。 例如:

Please enter your name

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This can be fixed by passing a space character to the helperText prop:

Please enter your name

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与第三方 input 库的整合

您可以使用第三方库来格式化您的输入框。 只要确保在整合的时候,您提供了一个带有 inputComponent 属性的自定义 <input> 元素。

下面的演示使用 react-text-maskreact-number-format 这两个基本库。 同样的概念可以适用于 这个例子:react-stripe-element

第三方所提供的输入组件应该暴露一个 ref,其值实现以下接口:

interface InputElement {
  focus(): void;
  value?: string;
const MyInputComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
  const { component: Component, ...other } = props;

  // 实现 `InputElement` 接口
  React.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
    focus: () => {
      // 在这里提供第三方组件的聚焦(focus)渲染方法
    // 隐藏值,例如 react-stripe-elements

  // `Component` 将会是下面例子中的 `SomeThirdPartyComponent`
  return <Component {...other} />;

// 使用
    inputComponent: MyInputComponent,
    inputProps: {
      component: SomeThirdPartyComponent,


为了确保您的文本框可提供无障碍访问,输入框必须和标签以及帮助文本连在一起调用。 而且,深层的 DOM 节点应该遵循这个结构。

<div class="form-control">
  <label for="my-input">电子邮件</label>
  <input id="my-input" aria-describedby="my-helper-text" />
  <span id="my-helper-text">我们绝不会分享您的邮件地址。 </span>
  • If you are using the TextField component, you just have to provide a unique id unless you're using the TextField only client side. Until the UI is hydrated TextField without an explicit id will not have associated labels.
  • If you are composing the component:
  <InputLabel htmlFor="my-input">电子邮件</InputLabel>
  <Input id="my-input" aria-describedby="my-helper-text" />
  <FormHelperText id="my-helper-text">我们绝不会分享您的邮件地址。 </FormHelperText>


For more advanced use cases, you might be able to take advantage of:



See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.