
API design approach

我们在如何使用 Material-UI 方面学到了很多相关的知识,而通过 v1 版本的重写,我们能够彻底重新考虑组件的 API。


As Sebastian Markbage pointed out, no abstraction is superior to wrong abstractions. We are providing low-level components to maximize composition capabilities.


You may have noticed some inconsistency in the API regarding composing components. To provide some transparency, we have been using the following rules when designing the API:

  1. 使用children属性是使用 React 进行合成的惯用方法。
  2. 有时我们只需要有限的子组件封装,例如,当我们不需要允许子组件的顺序排列的时候。 在这种情况下,提供显式属性可以使实现更简单,更高效; 例如,Tab采用iconlabel属性。
  3. API 的一致性至关重要。


Aside from the above composition trade-off, we enforce the following rules:


Props supplied to a component which are not explicitly documented are spread to the root element; for instance, the className prop is applied to the root.

Now, let's say you want to disable the ripples on the MenuItem. You can take advantage of the spread behavior:

<MenuItem disableRipple />

The disableRipple prop will flow this way: MenuItem > ListItem > ButtonBase.


We avoid documenting native properties supported by the DOM like className.

CSS classes

All components accept a classes prop to customize the styles. The classes design answers two constraints: to make the classes structure as simple as possible, while sufficient to implement the Material Design guidelines.

  • 应用于根元素的类始终称为 root
  • 所有默认样式都分组在单个类中。
  • 应用于非根元素的类则以元素的名称为前缀,例如, Dialog 组件中的 paperWidthXs
  • 由布尔属性赋值的 variants 不添加 前缀,例如 rounded 类由 rounded 属性赋值。
  • 由枚举属性赋值的 variants添加前缀,例如,colorPrimary 类使用 color="primary" 属性赋值。
  • Variant 具有 ** 一个特定级别 **。 colorvariant属性被视为 variant。 样式特异性越低,它就越容易被覆盖。
  • 我们增加了变体修饰符(variant modifier)的特异性。 我们已经 ** 必须这样做 ** 为伪类 (:hover, :focus 等)。 以更多模板为代价,它才会开放更多的控制权。 我们也希望,它也能更加直观。
const styles = {
  root: {
    color: green[600],
    '&$checked': {
      color: green[500],
  checked: {},


Nested components inside a component have:

  • 它们自己的扁平化属性(当这些属性是顶层组件抽象的关键时),例如 Input 组件的 id 属性。
  • 当用户可能需要调整内部 render 方法的子组件时,他们自己的xxxProps属性,例如,在内部使用input的组件上公开inputPropsInputProps属性。
  • 他们自己的xxxComponent属性,用于执行组件注入。
  • 当您可能需要执行命令性操作时,例如,公开 inputRef 属性以访问 input 组件上的原生input,您就可以使用它们自己的 xxxRef 属性。 This helps answer the question "How can I access the DOM element?"

Prop naming

The name of a boolean prop should be chosen based on the default value. This choice allows:

  • the shorthand notation. the shorthand notation. 例如,若提供了一个输入框元素的 disabled 属性,则默认值为 true

    -(<Input enabled={false} />) + <Input disabled />;
  • developers to know what the default value is from the name of the boolean prop. It's always the opposite. It's always the opposite.


Most of the controlled component are controlled via the value and the onChange props, however, the open / onClose / onOpen combination is used for display related state. In the cases where there are more events, we put the noun first, and then the verb, for example: onPageChange, onRowsChange.

boolean vs. enum

There are two options to design the API for the variations of a component: with a boolean; or with an enum. For example, let's take a button that has different types. Each option has its pros and cons:

  • 选项 1 _布尔值(boolean)_:

    type Props = {
      contained: boolean;
      fab: boolean;

    该 API 启用了简写的表示法:<Button><Button contained /><Button fab />

  • 选项 2 _枚举(enum)_:

    type Props = {
      variant: 'text' | 'contained' | 'fab';

    这个 API 更详细: <Button>,<Button variant="contained">,<Button variant="fab">

    However, it prevents an invalid combination from being used, bounds the number of props exposed, and can easily support new values in the future.

The MUI components use a combination of the two approaches according to the following rules:

  • 当需要 2 个可能的值时,我们使用 _boolean_。
  • host elementreact-dom 中的一个 DOM 节点,例如 window.HTMLDivElement 的实例。

Going back to the previous button example; since it requires 3 possible values, we use an enum.


The ref is forwarded to the root element. This means that, without changing the rendered root element via the component prop, it is forwarded to the outermost DOM element which the component renders. If you pass a different component via the component prop, the ref will be attached to that component instead.


  • host componentreact-dom 的 DOM 节点类型,例如,一个 “div”。 另请参阅 React 实施说明
  • host elementreact-dom 中的一个 DOM 节点,例如 window.HTMLDivElement 的实例。
  • outermost:从上到下读取组件树时的第一个组件,例如,广度优先(breadth-first)搜索。
  • root component:渲染一个宿主组件的最外层的那个组件。
  • root element:渲染一个宿主组件的最外层的那个元素。