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GridApi API

Extended documentation for the GridApi interface with detailed information on the module's properties and available APIs.



import { GridApi } from '@mui/x-data-grid-premium'
// or
import { GridApi } from '@mui/x-data-grid-pro'
// or
import { GridApi } from '@mui/x-data-grid'

The full grid API.


Adds the field to the row grouping model.

Type:(groupingCriteriaField: string, groupingIndex?: number) => void

Applies the current sort model to the rows.

Type:() => void

Auto-size the columns of the grid based on the cells' content and the space available.

Type:(options?: GridAutosizeOptions) => Promise<void>

Deletes a GridFilterItem.

Type:(item: GridFilterItem) => void

Downloads and exports a CSV of the grid's data.

Type:(options?: GridCsvExportOptions) => void

Downloads and exports an Excel file of the grid's data.

Type:(options?: GridExcelExportOptions) => Promise<void>

Print the grid's data.

Type:(options?: GridPrintExportOptions) => void

Generates a serializable object containing the exportable parts of the DataGrid state.
These values can then be passed to the initialState prop or injected using the restoreState method.

Type:(params?: GridExportStateParams) => InitialState

Forces the grid to rerender. It's often used after a state update.

Type:() => void

Returns an array of GridColDef containing all the column definitions.

Type:() => GridStateColDef[]

Returns the column group lookup.

Type:() => GridColumnGroupLookup

Gets the list of row ids.

Type:() => GridRowId[]

Gets the underlying DOM element for a cell at the given id and field.

Type:(id: GridRowId, field: string) => HTMLDivElement | null

Gets the mode of a cell.

Type:(id: GridRowId, field: string) => GridCellMode

Gets the GridCellParams object that is passed as argument in events.

Type:<R extends GridValidRowModel = any, V = unknown, F = V, N extends GridTreeNode = GridTreeNode>(id: GridRowId, field: string) => GridCellParams<R, V, F, N>

Returns an object containing the selection state of the cells.
The keys of the object correpond to the row IDs.
The value of each key is another object whose keys are the fields and values are the selection state.

Type:() => GridCellSelectionModel

Gets the value of a cell at the given id and field.

Type:<V extends any = any>(id: GridRowId, field: string) => V

Returns the GridColDef for the given field.

Type:(field: string) => GridStateColDef

Returns the id of the groups leading to the requested column.
The array is ordered by increasing depth (the last element is the direct parent of the column).

Type:(field: string) => GridColumnGroup['groupId'][]

Gets the underlying DOM element for the column header with the given field.

Type:(field: string) => HTMLDivElement | null

Gets the GridColumnHeaderParams object that is passed as argument in events.

Type:(field: string) => GridColumnHeaderParams

Returns the index position of a column. By default, only the visible columns are considered.
Pass false to useVisibleColumns to consider all columns.

Type:(field: string, useVisibleColumns?: boolean) => number

Gets the index of a column relative to the columns that are reachable by scroll.

Type:(field: string) => number

Returns the left-position of a column relative to the inner border of the grid.

Type:(field: string) => number

Returns the grid data as a CSV string.
This method is used internally by exportDataAsCsv.

Type:(options?: GridCsvExportOptions) => string

Returns the grid data as an exceljs workbook.
This method is used internally by exportDataAsExcel.

Type:(options?: GridExcelExportOptions) => Promise<Excel.Workbook> | null

Returns the rows whose detail panel is open.

Type:() => GridRowId[]

Returns the filter state for the given filter model without applying it to the Data Grid.

Type:(filterModel: GridFilterModel) => GridStateCommunity['filter']

Returns the translation for the key.

Type:<T extends GridTranslationKeys>(key: T) => GridLocaleText[T]

Returns which columns are pinned.

Type:() => GridPinnedColumnFields

Returns the dimensions of the grid

Type:() => GridDimensions

Gets the row data with a given id.

Type:<R extends GridValidRowModel = any>(id: GridRowId) => R | null

Gets the underlying DOM element for a row at the given id.

Type:(id: GridRowId) => HTMLDivElement | null

Gets the rows of a grouping criteria.
Only contains the rows provided to the grid, not the rows automatically generated by it.

Type:(params: GridRowGroupChildrenGetterParams) => GridRowId[]

Gets the ID of a row given its data.

Type:<R extends GridValidRowModel = any>(row: R) => GridRowId

Gets the GridRowId of a row at a specific index.
The index is based on the sorted but unfiltered row list.

Type:(index: number) => GridRowId

Gets the index of a row relative to the rows that are reachable by scroll.

Type:(id: GridRowId) => number

Gets the mode of a row.

Type:(id: GridRowId) => GridRowMode

Gets the full set of rows as Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel>.

Type:() => Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel>

Gets the row node from the internal tree structure.

Type:<N extends GridTreeNode>(id: GridRowId) => N | null

Gets the GridRowParams object that is passed as argument in events.

Type:(id: GridRowId) => GridRowParams

Gets the total number of rows in the grid.

Type:() => number

Returns the row with the values that were set by editing the cells.
In row editing, field is ignored and all fields are considered.

Type:(id: GridRowId, field: string) => GridRowModel

Returns the current scroll position.

Type:() => GridScrollParams

Returns an array containing only the selected cells.
Each item is an object with the ID and field of the cell.

Type:() => GridCellCoordinates[]

Returns an array of the selected rows.

Type:() => Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel>

Returns all row ids sorted according to the active sort model.

Type:() => GridRowId[]

Returns all rows sorted according to the active sort model.

Type:() => GridRowModel[]

Returns the sort model currently applied to the grid.

Type:() => GridSortModel

Returns the currently visible columns.

Type:() => GridStateColDef[]

Hides the column menu that is open.

Type:() => void

Hides the filter panel.

Type:() => void

Hides the header filter menu.

Type:() => void

Hides the preferences panel.

Type:() => void

Returns the value of the ignoreDiacritics prop.


Controls if a cell is editable.

Type:(params: GridCellParams) => boolean

Determines if a cell is selected or not.

Type:(id: GridRowId, field: GridColDef['field']) => boolean

Returns which side a column is pinned to.

Type:(field: string) => GridPinnedColumnPosition | false

Determines if a row can be selected or not.

Type:(id: GridRowId) => boolean

Determines if a row is selected or not.

Type:(id: GridRowId) => boolean

Pins a column to the left or right side of the grid.

Type:(field: string, side: GridPinnedColumnPosition) => void

Emits an event.


Remove the field from the row grouping model.

Type:(groupingCriteriaField: string) => void

Forces the recalculation of the heights of all rows.

Type:() => void

Triggers a resize of the component and recalculation of width and height.

Type:() => void

Inject the given values into the state of the DataGrid.

Type:(stateToRestore: InitialState) => void

Triggers the viewport to scroll to the given positions (in pixels).

Type:(params: Partial<GridScrollParams>) => void

Triggers the viewport to scroll to the cell at indexes given by params.
Returns true if the grid had to scroll to reach the target.

Type:(params: Partial<GridCellIndexCoordinates>) => boolean

Selects all cells that are inside the range given by start and end coordinates.

Type:(start: GridCellCoordinates, end: GridCellCoordinates, keepOtherSelected?: boolean) => void

Change the selection state of a row.

Type:(id: GridRowId, isSelected?: boolean, resetSelection?: boolean) => void

Change the selection state of all the selectable rows in a range.

Type:(range: { startId: GridRowId; endId: GridRowId }, isSelected?: boolean, resetSelection?: boolean) => void

Change the selection state of multiple rows.

Type:(ids: GridRowId[], isSelected?: boolean, resetSelection?: boolean) => void

Sets the aggregation model to the one given by model.

Type:(model: GridAggregationModel) => void

Sets the focus to the cell at the given id and field.

Type:(id: GridRowId, field: string) => void

Updates the selected cells to be those passed to the newModel argument.
Any cell already selected will be unselected.

Type:(newModel: GridCellSelectionModel) => void

Sets the focus to the column header filter at the given field.

Type:(field: string, event?: MuiBaseEvent) => void

Sets the focus to the column header at the given field.

Type:(field: string, event?: MuiBaseEvent) => void

Moves a column from its original position to the position given by targetIndexPosition.

Type:(field: string, targetIndexPosition: number) => void

Changes the visibility of the column referred by field.

Type:(field: string, isVisible: boolean) => void

Sets the column visibility model to the one given by model.

Type:(model: GridColumnVisibilityModel) => void

Updates the width of a column.

Type:(field: string, width: number) => void

Sets the density of the grid.

Type:(density: GridDensity) => void

Sets the value of the edit cell.
Commonly used inside the edit cell component.

Type:(params: GridEditCellValueParams, event?: MuiBaseEvent) => Promise<boolean> | void

Changes which rows to expand the detail panel.

Type:(ids: GridRowId[]) => void

Changes the GridLogicOperator used to connect the filters.

Type:(operator: GridLogicOperator) => void

Sets the filter model to the one given by model.

Type:(model: GridFilterModel, reason?: GridControlledStateReasonLookup['filter']) => void

Sets the internal loading state.

Type:(loading: boolean) => void

Sets the displayed page to the value given by page.

Type:(page: number) => void

Sets the number of displayed rows to the value given by pageSize.

Type:(pageSize: number) => void

Sets the paginationMeta to a new value.

Type:(paginationMeta: GridPaginationMeta) => void

Sets the paginationModel to a new value.

Type:(model: GridPaginationModel) => void

Changes the pinned columns.

Type:(pinnedColumns: GridPinnedColumnFields) => void

Set the quick filter values to the one given by values

Type:(values: any[]) => void

Expand or collapse a row children.

Type:(id: GridRowId, isExpanded: boolean) => void

Sets the rowCount to a new value.

Type:(rowCount: number) => void

Sets the grouping index of a grouping criteria.

Type:(groupingCriteriaField: string, groupingIndex: number) => void

Sets the columns to use as grouping criteria.

Type:(model: GridRowGroupingModel) => void

Moves a row from its original position to the position given by targetIndex.

Type:(rowId: GridRowId, targetIndex: number) => void

Sets a new set of rows.

Type:(rows: GridRowModel[]) => void

Updates the selected rows to be those passed to the rowIds argument.
Any row already selected will be unselected.

Type:(rowIds: readonly GridRowId[]) => void

Updates the sort model and triggers the sorting of rows.

Type:(model: GridSortModel) => void

Display the column menu under the field column.

Type:(field: string) => void

Shows the filter panel. If targetColumnField is given, a filter for this field is also added.

Type:(targetColumnField?: string, panelId?: string, labelId?: string) => void

Opens the header filter menu for the given field.

Type:(field: GridColDef['field']) => void

Displays the preferences panel. The newValue argument controls the content of the panel.

Type:(newValue: GridPreferencePanelsValue, panelId?: string, labelId?: string) => void

Sorts a column.

Type:(field: GridColDef['field'], direction?: GridSortDirection, allowMultipleSorting?: boolean) => void

Puts the cell corresponding to the given row id and field into edit mode.

Type:(params: GridStartCellEditModeParams) => void

Puts the cell corresponding to the given row id and field into edit mode.

Type:(field: GridColDef['field']) => void

Puts the row corresponding to the given id into edit mode.

Type:(params: GridStartRowEditModeParams) => void

Property that contains the whole state of the grid.


Puts the cell corresponding to the given row id and field into view mode and updates the original row with the new value stored.
If params.ignoreModifications is true it will discard the modifications made.

Type:(params: GridStopCellEditModeParams) => void

Stops the edit mode for the current field.

Type:() => void

Puts the row corresponding to the given id and into view mode and updates the original row with the new values stored.
If params.ignoreModifications is true it will discard the modifications made.

Type:(params: GridStopRowEditModeParams) => void

Registers a handler for an event.

Type:<E extends GridEvents>(event: E, handler: GridEventListener<E>, options?: EventListenerOptions) => () => void

Toggles the column menu under the field column.

Type:(field: string) => void

Expands or collapses the detail panel of a row.

Type:(id: GridRowId) => void

Unpins a column.

Type:(field: string) => void

The data source API.


Replace a set of rows with new rows.

Type:(firstRowToReplace: number, newRows: GridRowModel[]) => void

Enable/disable column virtualization.

Type:(enabled: boolean) => void

Changes the pinned rows.

Type:(pinnedRows?: GridPinnedRowsProp) => void

Enable/disable virtualization.

Type:(enabled: boolean) => void

Updates the definition of multiple columns at the same time.

Type:(cols: GridColDef[]) => void

Allows to update, insert and delete rows.

Type:(updates: GridRowModelUpdate[]) => void

Updates or inserts a GridFilterItem.

Type:(item: GridFilterItem) => void

Updates or inserts many GridFilterItem.

Type:(items: GridFilterItem[]) => void