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useLocalStorageState API

API reference for the useLocalStorageState hook.


import useLocalStorageState from '@toolpad/core/useLocalStorageState';
// or
import { useLocalStorageState } from '@toolpad/core';

Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.



const [state, setState] = useLocalStorageState('my-key', 'initial value');


  • key: string | null The key under which to store the value in window.localStorage.
  • initialValue: T | null | () => T The value to return when nothing is found for the key in window.localStorage. The value can be lazy computed by providing a function to this parameter.
  • options?: object Additional options for this hook.
    • codec?: Codec<T> A codec that can encode and decode values of type V to and from strings.
      • parse: (raw: string) => T Decodes a string value into a value of type V.
      • stringify: (value: T) => string Encodes a value of type V into a string.


[T | null, React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<T | null>>] Similar to React.setState result, it returns an tupple where the first item represents the state, and the second item a setter for the state.